Blast Your Brain Fog Away


Brilliance! The word implies a brain loaded with creativity, ideas, and action. We think nothing of spending time building our bodies into shape, but what about our brain? Our brain has the capacity to illuminate our highest potential.

This brain-boosting course is the perfect blend of yin and yang – all the knowledge of modern medicine and ancient wisdom rolled into one powerful package. You will learn the principles of what we like to call Brain Yoga – essentially how to bend your brain into brilliance by using nutrition, supplements and consciousness exercises (including chanting, breathing, chakra cleansing, meditation and ritual).

The science of medicine plays a significant role in brain health. We will cover all the basics, including why good nutrition is essential to bloom your brain. However, this course also delves into the understanding of the powerful force of the collective awakening of consciousness and your personal energy called chi. By utilizing some simple exercises, you can channel and receive energy, access ancient wisdom and develop your sixth sense. Open the tap for yourself and allow your magnificence to emerge.


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